"Empowerment for Climate Resilience and Environmental Sustainability in  Melamchi Municipality, Sindhupalchok is REED's unwavering commitment towards achieving SDG 13 targets, driving action on climate action and its ripple effects on our community via: 

  1. Climate-Ready Education: Ensuring access to quality education for every marginalized child equips them with the knowledge and skills to face the challenges of a changing climate, contributing directly to SDG 13 targets. 
  2. Inclusive Safety: Our resolve to eliminate discrimination and violence against marginalized groups echoes SDG 13's call for urgent action to combat climate-related impacts that disproportionately affect vulnerable communities. 
  3. Financial Empowerment: By enhancing financial security for marginalized populations, we contribute to SDG 13's aim of strengthening resilience to climate-related hazards and natural disasters. 
  4. Local Climate Leaders: Building local capacity for climate change adaptation aligns with SDG 13's emphasis on enhancing adaptive capacity, strengthening resilience, and raising awareness. 
  5. Climate-Resilient Livelihoods: Our efforts to reduce climate vulnerability in schools and communities mirror SDG 13's target of integrating climate change measures into national policies, strategies, and planning. 
  6. Youth Climate Advocates: Sensitizing the youth about environmental conservation echoes SDG 13's call to promote mechanisms to raise awareness of climate change. 

In focusing on Ward No. 6 and 11, and Ward No. 10, areas most affected by floods, and prioritizing the vulnerable watershed, we align with SDG 13's vision of improving early warning systems, disaster risk reduction, and building resilience in the most vulnerable regions. Join REED's cause to create a future where Melamchi Municipality stands as a beacon of climate resilience, embodying the principles of SDG 13 and inspiring sustainable change."